District Court Closures

As of 12/03/2024:

For the week of December 2, 2024:

AOC services have been partially restored, allowing District Court to take payments, process public records requests and examine financial balances, etc. See below for possible changes to our regular procedures: 

All dockets in District Court will continue as scheduled. 

*Washington's Administrative Office of the Courts announced they had identified unauthorized activity on the Washington Courts network. That office took immediate action to secure critical systems and are currently working to safely restore service. 
*As a result, some of the state's affiliate websites are currently down.

For Clark County District, impacts include:
*Expect phone queue wait times to be longer than usual

Stay tuned to District Court Home | Clark County and Washington Courts Facebook page for updates on this developing situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. 

As of 11/20/2024: 

For the week of November 18th, 2024:

AOC services have been partially restored, allowing District Court to take payments, process public records requests and examine financial balances, etc. See below for possible changes to our regular procedures: 

Afternoon Video Arraignments and Domestic Violence Arraignments are proceeding as normal with limited impact.  

All dockets in District Court will continue as scheduled. 

    Washington's Administrative Office of the Courts announced they had identified unauthorized activity on the Washington Courts network. That office took immediate action to secure critical systems and are currently working to safely restore service. 
    As a result, the state's Judicial Information System, Washington Courts website and affiliate websites are currently down.
    Please be advised that there will be intermittent impacts to the work of our court in the coming days as they continue to restore services. 

For Clark County District, impacts include:
    * Expect phone queue wait times to be longer than usual.

Stay tuned to District Court Home | Clark County and Washington Courts Facebook page for updates on this developing situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. 

As of 11/18/2024: 

For the week of November 18, 2024:

AOC is optimistic that service will be restored on Monday, November 18th. If service is not restored, District Court will continue normal operations to the best of our abilities, with no access to JIS/JABS/Odyssey.  See below for possible changes to our regular procedures: 

1.  Afternoon Video Arraignments and Domestic Violence Arraignments should proceed as normal with limited impact, including the Zoom links on our website.  However, if you are representing an out of custody defendant on one of these dockets, please contact Department Judicial Assistant with your client’s name and case number as these may not be visible to us at this time.  

2.  We are going to continue holding all other dockets as scheduled.  If you are a private attorney appearing this week in District Court, please email assigned Department Judicial Assistant with your client’s name, case number, department, and hearing date.

3.  District Court is unable to post Zoom links to virtual dockets on our website, so we have posted the following message on our website:

    Washington's Administrative Office of the Courts announced they had identified unauthorized activity on the Washington Courts network. That office took immediate action to secure critical systems and are currently working to safely restore service. 
    As a result, the state's Judicial Information System, Washington Courts website and affiliate websites are currently down.
    Please be advised that there will be intermittent impacts to the work of our court in the coming days as they continue to restore services. 

For Clark County District, impacts include:

    * We are unable to post virtual hearing links to our website. If you are scheduled for a virtual hearing, please contact your attorney for the Zoom link or you may appear in person at 1200 Franklin Street, Vancouver, Washington 98660. If you are not represented by an attorney, please appear in person. 
    * We cannot take cash payments for fines and fees (except for cash bail).
    * We cannot examine financial balances in criminal, civil, and infraction cases.
    * We are unable to process public records requests.
    * Expect phone queue wait times to be longer than usual.

All dockets in District Court will continue as scheduled. 

Stay tuned to District Court Home | Clark County and Washington Courts Facebook page for updates on this developing situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. 

Administrative Order 2024-03


Friday, February 14, 2025

Due to declining weather conditions District Court will be closing for in-person services in District Court Administration, Probation Services, and Mabry Work Center. Staff to work remotely. 

ALL dockets will be heard VIRTUALLY. 

Community Court is cancelled.

Wedding ceremonies will take place as scheduled - the Courthouse will be open to the public at 1:00pm.

Public Service phone lines are open 8:00am to 4:30pm (564) 397-2424. 
Phones are closed from 12:00-1:00pm for lunch.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Due to declining weather conditions District Court will be closing for in-person services in District Court Administration, Probation Services, and Mabry Work Center. 

VARR/DVARR (Video and DV arraignments) will be heard VIRTUALLY. 
Dept 3 - Jury trial is continuing in-person. 
Dept A - Contested hearings docket has been cancelled, hearings have been rescheduled. 
Camas docket will be heard VIRTUALLY.
Washougal docket has been cancelled, hearings will be rescheduled.
*Two in-custody Washougal ARR cases will be heard VIRTUALLY by downtown VARR/DVARR docket.

Public Service phone lines are open 8:00am to 4:30pm (564) 397-2424. 
Phones are closed from 12:00-1:00pm for lunch.

How to get to your Virtual Court Hearing?

Click here or on the Check Into My Virtual Hearing link on the left side of the page.

Jury Service:

If you have been called for Jury Service, please click here:
