Community Restitution - working hard to restore our community
Work Crew is an alternative sentencing program designed to reduce jail overcrowding by providing minimum risk offenders a work option to meet court obligations to include: fines, program fees, community service, and jail sentences. In addition to screening, Probation staff monitor the type of work assigned and ensure that offenders complete their assigned tasks.
Offender work crews were developed in response to maintenance needs in the County Parks and overcrowding at the jail. The first crew used in-custody offenders who returned to jail each night. Within six months the program shifted to an out-of-custody program supervised by corrections staff.
Referrals to the work crew program come from the courts and provide sentencing alternatives to serving time in jail, as well as, providing work that is beneficial to the community. Referrals may also come from the State Department of Corrections and other alternative service programs.
Community Restitution (Work Crew/Community Service) Contacts
Community Service | Yamato De La Torre | (564) 397-1835 | | |
Last name: A - L | Barbara McKowan | (564) 397-1827 | | |
Last name: M - Z | Sheridan Ingalls | (564) 397-1841 | |
Click here to complete your Work Crew Intake Form
Work Crew/Mabry Inclement Weather Line
(564) 397-2312
Work Crew Orientation with Rules (PDF)
Map to Mabry (PDF)
Work Crew Holiday Closure Dates
New Years - January 1
Dr. Martin Luther's King Jr's birthday - January 20
President's Day - February 17
Memorial Day - May 26
Juneteenth - June 19
Independence Day - July 4
Labor Day - September 1
Veteran's Day - November 11
Thanksgiving weekend - November 27 & 28
Christmas Day - December 25
New Years - January 1, 2026