Treatment courts are considered the most successful justice intervention for people with substance use and mental health disorders. This is a public health approach to justice reform in which treatment providers ensure individuals before the courts receive personalized, evidence-based treatment, and they work as a team with law enforcement, community supervision, defense, prosecution, and the judge to provide ongoing support and recovery services. (From
DUI Court is a Clark County District Court level therapeutic specialty courts served by a combined team. This voluntary program offers a coordinated strategy to ensure participants engage in treatment as recommended by a formal assessment, complete all court ordered conditions, and build their recovery capital to make healthier choices once their court supervision is completed.
The court is divided into four phases and take a minimum of 12 months to complete. The team uses targeted incentives, sanctions, and service adjustments to monitor and help guide participants to keep on track with court and probation conditions while moving toward program completion.
With approval from the City or County prosecutor at the time of referral, charges allowed to enter the program on a pre-plea basis may be eligible for dismissal at program commencement. DUI Court is not able to suspend mandatory sentences.
Multiple DUI offenders have a high rate of recidivism and pose a threat to the safety of the community. The potential participant must qualify under the guidelines as defined in RCW 2.30.030 for drug & mental health courts along with Title 38 USCS 101 (2) "Veteran Benefits" with the following local conditions outlined:
The participant must:
- Be a Clark County legal resident age 18 or older at time of opt in and remain a legal resident throughout the duration of the program.
- Have a primary diagnosis for a substance use disorder and/or co-occurring disorder and voluntarily choose this treatment program option.
- Have a nexus between the alleged criminal behavior in the pending offense and the individual’s diagnosis as supported by the suitability screen and/or assessment.
- Have the mental capacity and ability to appreciate the consequences of the legal proceedings and fully understand the expectations and conditions of the therapeutic specialty court contract.
- Sign a stipulation and waiver of rights for any charges referred on a pre-plea basis.
- DUI, Physical Control, any charge approved on a post-plea basis, or probation violations must be sentenced or resolved prior to opting into DUI Court.
- Have two or more drug or alcohol -related driving offenses to participate in the DUI Court program; otherwise, the cases will be brought into Treatment Alternative Court.
The participant must NOT have:
- Any serious violent offenses in criminal history.
- Pending charges/outstanding warrants in any other jurisdiction, except with prior approval of the court team with a timeline to resolve those matters included on the contract addendum.
- Used a firearm in the commission of any crime.
DUI Court brochure (PDF)
Referral Forms
Pre-plea Referral Form
Post-plea Referral Form
Forms for Attorneys
- Instructions
- Pre-plea Agreement
- TAC-DUI Stipulation & Waiver of Rights
- Addendum (TSC Coordinator will provide if appropriate)
- Order for Participation in TSC
- TAC-DUI Court Order Substituting Attorney
- Instructions
- Post-plea Agreement
- Addendum (TSC Coordinator will provide if appropriate)
- Order Transferring Probation
- TAC-DUI Court Order Substituting Attorney
Forms for Participants
Web Report Form
Physician's Letter - TAC/DUI Court
Special Request Form
Phase Up Forms
Phase Up 2
Phase Up 3
Phase Up 4
Commencement Packet
Budget Worksheet