2025 Historical Promotion Grants informational meeting and application deadline reminder

Published Date

The Clark County Council is accepting applications from local organizations for grants that encourage historic preservation and programs, including preservation of historic documents.

The deadline for submitting completed applications is 5 p.m., Monday, Sept. 16, 2024. 

To assist applicants, the county will hold a virtual informational meeting about the grants program and answer questions regarding 2025 applications at 10 am Thursday, Aug. 22, via Webex. Additional meeting details and information on how to join remotely can be found on the county’s webpage at www.clark.wa.gov/community-planning/historical-promotion-grants-program. Applications, grant guidelines, and other information are available at the same web address or by emailing historicpreservation@clark.wa.gov.

The Historical Promotion Grants program is designed to increase awareness and education to better preserve, exhibit, and/or interpret local history and historic preservation.

Applicants must be either a non-profit organization or public entity within the boundaries of Clark County that promotes our local history. Applicants also must either operate or own a museum or similar historical institution or perform educative, interpretive, or similar activities.

The Historic Preservation Commission will review applications in the fall and submit recommendations to the County Council in November. Grants will be awarded in December and grant funds will be available in January 2025.

Bart Catching, Community Planning
564.397.4909, bart.catching@clark.wa.gov

Susan Ellinger, Community Planning 
564.397.4516, susan.ellinger@clark.wa.gov