Aging Readiness Plan

The Clark County Aging Readiness Plan (ARP or plan) is a long-range planning document that assesses the county’s readiness to serve as a home for a growing number of older residents. The ARP addresses issues specific to healthy communities, housing, transportation/mobility; civic involvement; and emergency preparedness. It includes strategies to improve the community’s capacity to support its growing older population and ultimately benefit all ages.

The initial plan was adopted in 2012. The 10-year update of the ARP was adopted in September, 2023. You can:

  • Learn more about the update project in this CVTV video.

  • Learn more about each of the ARP update outreach events that are listed in the grid at the bottom of this page.

  • View the plan and appendices through the links below.

2023 Aging Readiness Plan

ARP Cover


2023 ARP Appendices PAge 1

Staff Contacts

Susan Ellinger, Planner III

Amy Wooten, Planner III

Aging Readiness Plan Update Outreach Events

The project to update the Aging Readiness Plan utilized a multi-pronged outreach approach that included a community and jurisdictional survey; “fireside chats”, community workshops and focus groups with local experts, agency professionals and interested individuals. The project outreach events are listed below.

Date Meeting/Event Notes/Related Documents Audio/Video
Healthy Communities Focus Group

Healthy Communities Focus Group


Housing Focus Group

Housing Focus Group


Emergency Management Focus Group

Emergency Management Focus Group


Transportation Focus Group

Transportation Focus Group


Supportive Services Focus Group

Supportive Services Focus Group
