Growth Management Act (GMA)
In 1990, Washington adopted the Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70A (GMA). The GMA requires certain counties and cities to develop and adopt comprehensive land use plans that anticipate population and employment growth needs. Plans must look forward at least 20 years.
The GMA requires comprehensive plans to consist of these elements: land use, housing, capital facilities, utilities, rural (for counties), transportation, economic development and parks and recreation (36.70A.070 RCW).
A comprehensive plan also may include optional elements related to the physical development in its respective jurisdiction. Examples include: schools, historic preservation and community design (36.70A.080 RCW).
The GMA also requires jurisdictions to periodically review their comprehensive plans and implementing development regulations in their entirety and, if needed, revise them. Clark County is required to have the current review and revision completed by June 30, 2016, and every eight years thereafter (36.70A.130(5)(b) RCW). Opportunities for public participation in this process continue to be provided (36.70A.035 RCW).