

Amend Title 40.370.010, Sewerage Regulations and Title 40.210.010, Resource & Rural Districts

Project Summary

Clark County Community Planning is requesting to amend the Clark County Unified Development Code (Title 40) as follows:

Title/Chapter/Section Description

1. 40.370.010

Amend Title 40.370.010 (Sewerage Regulations) to allow extension of sewer to serve schools in the rural area.

2. 40.210.010

Amend Title 40.210.010 (Forest, Agriculture and Agricultural-Wildlife Districts) to allow new cemeteries as accessory to an existing church in the FR-40 zone


  1. The legislature passed HB 2243, effective October 19, 2017, that authorizes the extension of public facilities and utilities to serve a school sited in a rural area that serves students from a rural area and an urban area, subject to certain requirements.
  2. Amend Title 40.210.010 (Forest, Agriculture and Agricultural-Wildlife Districts): The Old Apostolic Lutheran Church has asked for an amendment to the Forest Resource district to allow new cemeteries. Staff researched whether other counties allow cemeteries in resource districts and found that two counties, both required to fully plan under the Growth Management Act, allow them in resource districts:
    Spokane - as a limited use in Forest Land
    Grant – as a discretionary use in AG and Rural Resource (RRES)

Public Meetings

September 3, 2019 – Council Hearing

On September 3, 2019, the county council approved (5 to 0) the request to amend CCC 40.210.010 – Forest, Agriculture and Agricultural-Wildlife use table to allow the potential for new cemeteries in Forest-40 and amend CCC 40.370.010 Sewerage Regulations to comply with HB 2243 which provided for limited sewer exception for schools.  

June 20, 2019 – Planning Commission Hearing
June 6, 2019 –   Planning Commission Work Session