

TIF Update & Capital Facility Plan Update


Clark County Public Works is requesting to amend the adopted traffic impact fee rate and amend the transportation costs in the adopted 2020 CFP. Clark County Code 40.630.010 Impact Fee Revision supports periodically adjusting the Impact Fee rate to reflect changes caused by inflation. Proposed rate increases are based on inflation rates from the January Engineering News Record (ENR) Construction Cost Index (CCI) for Seattle which represents a 13.2% increase from the January 2020 CCI. Due to rounding, the exact percentage of increases varies slightly.

Please refer to the staff report and materials below for detail information on the proposal.


The Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A) requires a transportation element that contains a multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Clark County’s transportation CFP serves as a 20-year transportation plan identifying the capital projects needed to serve the forecasted population and economic development. The projects identified in the CFP address existing deficiencies, maintain existing capacity, are necessary for development, enhance the quality of life in the community and meet other identified needs.

With the 2019 update of the traffic impact fee (TIF) program (Ordinance 2020-02-02), the Clark County Council approved adjusting the calculated per trip fee annually to account for inflation or deflation. Clark County Code 40.630.010 Impact Fee Revision indicates impact fee rates shall be adjusted periodically to reflect changes in costs of land acquisition and construction, facility plan projects and anticipated growth. Due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, a TIF update has not occurred since 2020.

Staff Contact

Gary Albrecht, Planner III

Public Meetings

Meeting information and project materials will be posted here.