This simple Queen Anne style home has composition shingles covering the roof and a porch enhanced by turned posts, jigsaw brackets and balustrades. A ghost often heard on the porch is thought to be that of a boy who died in a train accident and was laid out in the house in 1908.
The DuBois family has called Vancouver home since 1883. Robert Lewis “Lloyd” DuBois owned the Vancouver Independent newspaper, was appointed to be the Vancouver Postmaster, and started the Washington Exchange Bank in 1912. The I-5 Bridge over the Columbia was partly financed with the help of Lloyd DuBois' fund raising.
- Listed on the Clark County Heritage Register in 1996.
Open to Public:
No. Legal offices now occupy the house.

Did you know?
Tales are often told of a ghost heard on the porch.
Circa ~ 1902
Open to the public
Lloyd DuBois House
902 Esther St.
Vancouver, WA 98660
United States