Planning Commission to consider proposed changes to comprehensive plan update

Published Date

Vancouver, Wash. ‒ The Clark County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing Thursday, May 18, 2017 on proposed changes to the county’s 2016 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update that could enable the county to come into compliance under a recent ruling by the state Growth Management Hearings Board.

The hearing is at 6:30 p.m. in the sixth-floor Hearing Room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St.

The hearings board ruled March 23, 2017 that certain portions of the county’s 2016 plan update had not complied with requirements of the Growth Management Act. Those issues were remanded to the county for further work.

The council decided to appeal two of the remanded issues, but county planners have been working on proposed changes to reach compliance on the remaining issues.

The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed changes May 4, and is expected to make a recommendation to the county council May 18. Meeting materials are on the county’s website at

The county council will hold a work session on the commission’s recommendation at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 7, 2017. The council will take formal action on the proposed changes during a 10 a.m. hearing Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Meeting materials for the two June meetings will be posted on The Grid on the county’s home page at

The effective date for comprehensive plan amendments is June 30, 2017. Plan adoption materials can be found at


Oliver Orjiako
Community Planning director
Community Planning
360.397.2280 ext. 4112