What is the Climate Community Advisory Group (CAG)?
The Community Advisory Group (CAG) for the Clark County Climate Project is supporting the county’s efforts to implement new state climate change planning legislation (ES2HB 1181), in which the county is now required to add a Climate Change Element to its Comprehensive Plan by June 30, 2025. The CAG is using a consensus-based approach and striving to provide a recommendation for Planning Commission and County Council consideration.
The CAG will:
- Share a broad range of perspectives and experiences to ensure the Climate Element project represents a wide range of community interests;
- Use a consensus-based process;
- Act as liaisons to specific constituencies or interest groups;
- Advise staff on project priorities;
- Review and provide feedback on key project deliverables;
- Develop goal and policy recommendations to meet the requirements of new state climate legislation.
CAG members are appointed by the County Manager. Please find a list of members below:
- Jessica Brown
- Sharon Ferguson
- Ann Foster
- Nelson Holmberg
- Janet Kenefsky
- Thilo Kluth
- Noelle Lovern
- Brent Marsden
- Nick Massie
- Gabriela Mendoza Ewing
- Kathy Miu
- Juan Monje
- Sunrise Omahoney
- Dave Rowe
- Andrea Smith
- Don Steinke
- Terry Toland
- Alana Tudela
- Justin Wood
- Monica Zazueta
- Ex-Officio Member/County Council Liaison: Michelle Belkot
The CAG typically meets once per month. CAG meeting dates, times, and information is available below.
Alternate Languages
Information is available in an alternate language by request to jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
La información está disponible en otros idiomas previa solicitud a jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
Информация доступна на другом языке по запросу на электронную почту jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
可发送请求至 jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov,获取其他语言版本的信息。
Poraus a kan kawor non ew asiwinin fosun fonu seni eom tungor ngeni jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
Інформація доступна іншою мовою за запитом електронною поштою jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
Thông tin có sẵn bằng ngôn ngữ thay thế theo yêu cầu jenna.kay@clark.wa.gov.
Meeting Information
Staff Contacts
Jenna Kay
Amy Koski
Harrison Husting
The WA Department of Commerce climate planning grant is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act. The CCA supports Washington’s climate action efforts by putting cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at www.climate.wa.gov.