Annual Reviews



Project Summary

A proposal to amend the comprehensive plan map and zoning map from Commercial (Neighborhood Commercial) to Urban Low Residential (R1-6) on a parcel, approximately 2 acres, located at the intersection of NE 99th St. and NE 107th Ave. The parcel number is 155326000.


The applicant owns one parcel (155326000) that is zoned Neighborhood Commercial. The subject parcel is located in the Vancouver Urban Growth Area at the southwest corner of the intersection of NE 99th St. and NE 107th Ave. The parcel is approximately 500 ft. east of the current terminus of NE 99th St. The subject site (approx. 2.08 acres) has been zoned commercial since 1994 and was purchased by the applicant in 2017. The site is currently being used as a residence.

The applicant is requesting to amend the comprehensive plan and zoning map designation from Commercial (NC) to Urban Low Density Residential (R1-6). The existing Neighborhood Commercial (NC) zoning is “intended to provide for the convenience shopping needs of the immediate neighborhood.” [CCC 40.230.010]. Urban Low Density Residential (R1-6) zoning is “intended to provide for higher single and duplex densities where a full range of community services and facilities are present or will be present at the time of development.” [CCC 40.220.010].


Staff Contact

Jose Alvarez
Planner III
Community Planning

Public Meetings

Meeting information and project materials will be posted here.

County Council Meetings

Feb. 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m., County Council hearing via Webex with CVTV live streaming - Please visit the County Council meeting page for info on how to participate in the hearing.

Jan. 19, 2022 at 9:00 a.m., County Council Work Session via Webex - Please visit the County Council meeting page for info on how to participate in the hearing.