

Battle Ground School District Capital Facilities Plan 2022-2028

Project Summary

The Battle Ground School District Board of Directors has modified its capital facilities plan. The district is requesting that Clark County formally adopt the plan by reference in the 20-year Clark County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan and collect the recommended school impact fees.


Chapter 36.70A of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) enables school districts to develop capital facilities plans and impact fee programs for new residential developments in order to offset the impacts of growth on school facilities.  It further requires these plans and programs be reviewed and approved as part of the county and city comprehensive plans in which the school district is located. 

The Battle Ground School District Board of Directors adopted a modified capital facilities plan on May 23, 2022. A copy of Resolution No. C-22 and the updated plan with impact fee calculations are provided as Exhibits A and B, respectively, in the below materials. The School District Board of Directors recommends that Clark County formally adopt the plan and collect school impact fees as follows:


Existing Fee

Proposed Fee

% Change

Single Family Residence




Multi Family Residence




Staff Contact

Jenna Kay
Planner III
Community Planning

Public Meetings

Meeting information and project materials will be posted here.

County Council Meetings

May 2, 2023 County Council Hearing at 10 a.m. in person at 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver, 6th Floor Hearing Room and virtually via Webex. Additional meeting details and information on how to join remotely can be found on the County Council's meeting page.

Planning Commission Meetings

Aug. 18, 2022 Planning Commission Hearing at 6:30 p.m. in person at 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, 6th Floor Training Room and virtually via Webex

Planning Commission Recommendation

Aug. 4, 2022 Planning Commission Work Session at 5:30 p.m. in person at 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, 6th Floor Training Room and virtually via Webex