2025 Update - Phase 3

Phase 3 – Review & Refine

2024 Comp Plan Progress Graphic - Phase 3

Phase 3 Key Milestones

Phase 3 will begin with release of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS); draft Comprehensive Plan document; and revised development regulations, if needed. This phase will include multiple opportunities for the public to learn about and respond to the draft analysis, draft Plan and code amendments, if any. The public will be able to provide input as the project moves toward a preferred growth strategy alternative and release of a final Plan for transmittal to the County Council in 2025. There will be a formal comment period associated with the DEIS and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), in which the public will be invited to submit feedback. The county will also engage local communities more deeply around land use changes that may be needed to implement the plan.

This page provides a general outline of the expected process and is subject to change. Work may occur on multiple steps and phases concurrently. Find more information about each topic including full meeting materials under each meeting date in the meetings grid at the bottom of this page.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement Review

This portion of the project will include the issuance of a DEIS for public review with a 30-day public comment period.

This step is currently in process

Selection of Preferred Alternative

Growth alternatives included in the DEIS will be reviewed and considered based on requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), objectives of the comprehensive plan, and county planning policies.

Preferred Alternative Analysis work

This portion of the project may include an update of the urban and rural land capacity estimates, and transportation analyses. Documents related to the Comprehensive Plan such as the Vacant Buildable Lands Model (VBLM) output, Capital Facilities Plan, (CFP) Capital Facilities Financial Plan (CFFP), Arterial Atlas and possibly other related documents will be updated as needed to reflect the preferred alternative. 

Issue Final Environmental Impact Statement

The final EIS will incorporate comments received on the draft EIS as well as the lead agency’s responses. The EIS may be revised based on the comments/possible new information received.

Public Review of Comprehensive Plan Update Materials

Any proposed changes to the comprehensive plan text will be drafted and reviewed by the public and Planning Commission for comment and recommendation to the County Council. Any related technical reports that support the policies in the updated comprehensive plan will be developed. If any changes are proposed, a comment period will follow release of the draft text.

Find Out More About Each of the Project Phases

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