Phase 2 - Shape the Plan
Phase 2 Key Milestones
During the second phase, Clark County will engage with the public to inform and shape growth alternatives, provide input for the scope of environmental analysis, and seek input on new and revised Comprehensive Plan policies. Growth options will be informed by the community feedback, technical analysis, and the range of desired alternatives for study established by the County Council.
This page provides a general outline of the expected process and is subject to change. Work may occur on multiple steps and phases concurrently. Find more information about each topic including full meeting materials under each meeting date in the meetings grid at the bottom of this page.
Hire Environmental Analysis Consultant
Full meeting materials under each meeting date in the meetings grid at the bottom of this page.
Hire Environmental Analysis Consultant
Property Owner Submittal for Comprehensive Land Use Changes
Full meeting materials under each meeting date in the meetings grid at the bottom of this page.
The county accepted site-specific comprehensive plan and zoning amendment requests through March 15, 2024. The link below provides additional information on that process and a map of the submitted requests.
Outline/Scope the Range & Types of Issues Studied for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Full meeting materials under each meeting date in the meetings grid at the bottom of this page.
The creation of an EIS is part of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) process. Find out more about the process on the Department of Ecology Overview page, the SEPA Frequently Asked Questions page and the SEPA Review and Commenting Guidance page.
Issue Paper 6 - SEPA Scoping
This document provides background on the environmental impact review process under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and provides a basic framework by which the county will launch the environmental impact review process.
- Planning Commission Work Session Audio - 5/2/2024
- County Council Work Session Video - 5/15/2024
- Planning Commission Work Session Video - 7/18/24
Public notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) - 5/15/24
This notice announces the County’s intent to prepare an EIS on the proposed update to the Clark County Comprehensive Plan. The environmental impact review process under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) will be used to inform the public of the choices between proposed growth alternatives.
EIS Scoping Open Houses - learn more here - 5/28/24 to 5/30/24 and online
These sessions provided information about planning for development and studying potential impacts as the next step in updating the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.
Review & Select Growth Alternatives for Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
Growth alternatives proposed for inclusion in the DEIS will be presented based on requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), objectives of the comprehensive plan, and county planning policies.
Input on County Comprehensive Plan Text and Policies & Title 40 revisions
This will include an opportunity to comment on what changes may be needed to the comprehensive plan text or the development code, Title 40, as part of the project.
This step is currently in process
Issue Paper 7: Climate Change Element
This document provides an introduction to ES2HB 1181 (HB 1181) legislation, one of the more significant legislative changes to the Growth Management Act that Clark County is required to address as part of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update.
- Planning Commission Work Session Audio - 5/2/24
- Planning Commission Work Session - Audio - 5/16/24
- County Council Work Session Video - 6/5/2024
- Planning Commission Work Session - Video 6/20/24
- Climate Project Community Workshop on Resilience Event Program-English - 6/22/24
- County Council Work Session Video - 7/10/24
- Planning Commission Work Session Video - 7/18/24
Review/Revise/Re-adopt Comp Plan Policies, including Countywide Planning Policies (CWPP)
- Planning Commission Work Session - 2/6/25
Find Out More About Each of the Project Phases
You are currently viewing Phase 2