Best practices


We want you to be successful using our system. We have captured a few best practices that will help you and your project through the process.

Single Page Plan Files: All plan pages shall be single page files. No multi-page plan pages will be accepted.

Multi Page Document Files: Supporting documents like reports and engineering calculations may be multi-page PDF files.

Correct File Orientation: Plan and document files need to be uploaded in the correct orientation.

Plan Scale: A scale bar is required on all plan pages.

Plan Layers: Clean and purge all extraneous layers from the plans. Keep the number of layers under 100 and try to remove any shading or hashing in the files as those may cause performance issues.

Revised Sheets: All revised sheets that are uploaded must be named the same as the original file to allow for versioning.

Revisions: Note all approved design changes in the revision blocks. Clearly show all changes and include relevant field notes. Identify changes with revision clouds, strikeouts, asterisks, and other legible notes.

Respond to Plan Review Comments: Change marks mean a change is required on the plans or the documents. Respond to each change mark in the applicant response column provided.