Proposed developments

Map feature below shows cases that are currently under review

This makes it easier to see land use cases that are in your neighborhood. 

Cases that are mapped are Type II cases, like short plats and site plan reviews, and Type III cases, like subdivisions and conditional use permits, among others.

To use the map, you can zoom in and out and/or move the map around. Click on a yellow dot to see the project description, site plan, public notice, staff report, and decision. Use the search bar to enter a case number or address. 

A mobile interactive map is also available.  

These cases are shown on the map for 60 days past the decision date.

The public notice listed with the case is the most recent notice issued. 

For Type II cases, the staff report and the decision are the same document and will be linked as the decision.

All files are PDF unless otherwise noted.


Forest Practice Applications

FPA-2024-00066 Merriman Residence

FPA-2024-00077 Bergmann Residence

FPA-2024-00080 Mike and Leah Residence

FPA-2024-00082 Tapani Residence

FPA-2024-00086 Stewart Residence

FPA-2024-00090 Lee Residence

FPA-2024-00094 Smith Residence

FPA-2024-00100 Landsem Residence


2017-2019 cases in review

These are older cases still in review. Since they are in our former permitting system, they are not included on the map above.

7001 NE 40th Avenue, Vancouver
Pacific NW Plating PSR2015-00027; SEP2015-00032; CRA2015-00004
Site planPublic noticeStaff report / Decision
9905 NE 117th Avenue, Vancouver
Four Corner Plaza PSR2017-00028
Site planPublic noticeStaff report / Decision
10804 NE 117th Ave, Vancouver
Cornerstone Christian Academy CUP2019-00001; PSR2019-00003; SEP2019-00014; VAR2019-00003; CRA2019-00002; EVR2019-00010
Site planPublic noticeStaff reportDecision
12503 NE 117th Avenue, Vancouver
Claude's Accurate Machining PSR2018-00027; SEP2018-00034
Site planPublic noticeStaff report / Decision
9709 NE 425th Street, Woodland
POR Bald Mountain PSR2017-00036; SEP2017-00077; CRA2017-00007; EVR2017-00091; GEO2017-00028
Site planPublic noticeStaff report / Decision
15500 NE Fargher Lake Highway, Yacolt
The Barn at Fargher Lake PSR2017-00064
Site planPublic noticeStaff report / Decision

You can get more information on these and other cases in several ways:

Pre-application conference agendas

Land use hearings

Visit our Land Use Hearings page for a list of upcoming hearings, agendas, and other information.