Fire permit inspections


Note: Due to limited staffing, the Fire Marshal’s office will be unable to accept inspection requests on Fridays from July 3 to August 9.  

New commercial construction - Request a new construction fire inspection online. Inspections require one working day notice.

Existing businesses - Existing business will be inspected annually. Business owners are provided an approximate inspection date, or may schedule a specific date by calling the Fire Marshal's Office at 564.397.2186. 

Determine the inspection request system for your permit:

CC LMSTidemark
IVR Guide 

Fire permits

Request an inspection

FALFire Alarm
FEXFire Extinguishing System
FHAHazardous Materials
FSMSmoke Removal System
FSPSpecial Process

Fire permits

Request an inspection

BRNBurning permit
FAIAnnual Fire Inspection
FRIFire Review and Inspection
FRWFireworks Permit