Learning Lab Library

2024 Series

How to get a residential building permit 

Presented by Luz Adriana Rodriguez, lead permit technician and Chris Wirgler, lead plans examiner

Permitting Adult Family Homes 

Presented by Robert Williams, assistant permit technician, Luz Adriana Rodriguez, lead permit technician, and Jeramy Bashaw, plans examiner 

You may also need these handouts:

Understanding Wetland and Habitat Information in MapsOnline 

Presented by Lance Watt, natural resource specialist III

Wildland Urban Interface/Intermix (WUII) and home fire safety 

Presented by Brandon Sciaretta, deputy Fire Marshal, and Curtis Eavenson, interim Fire Marshal

Stormwater application and plans submittal for MR 1-5 

Presented by Allister Dawson, engineer and Victoria Abram, planning tech

Permitting a home business 

Presented by Richard Daviau and Marion Bateman, planners

Building inspections and how to schedule them 

Presented by Triston Bain, building inspector, Cameron Przybylski, lead building inspector, and Mikaela Rankin, program assistant

Dog bite prevention 

Presented by Paul Batchelder, lead animal control officer, and Katelynn Daniel, animal control officer

The code enforcement process 

Presented by Donna Goddard, manager, with Sydney Valaer and Scott Melville, code enforcement officers.

Finding records in the Property Information Center and submitting a public records request 

Presented by Désirée de Monyé, administration staff