Online permitting FAQs
Quick Permits have been created to allow applicants ultimate flexibility in our CC LMS permit system. Apply online, pay online, print from your browser. No need to sit in traffic or drive down to the Permit Center to submit plans. All Quick Permits must be inspected.
Available for the following permits:
- Residential Mechanical (MCH)
- Residential Plumbing (PLM)
- Residential Re-Roofing/Re-Siding/Window (RSW)
Yes. This will save you time and make the overall process quicker.
Visit our permit application submittal guidelines page for important information and instructions regarding application, submittal and issuance of your permit.
We are requesting all applicants to apply online prior to making their permit application appointment.
Yes, training is available. Please visit our CC LMS Training page to view videos, see FAQs, and find out about training sessions.
All permits are now available online:
- Building
- Fire
- Land Use Review
- Development Engineering
- Wetland/Habitat
- Public Works Forestry
- Public Works Development Inspection
Permits in our new Land Management System (CC LMS) will have a dash in the fourth position of the permit number, for example PLD-2019-12345. Use the CC LMS Land Use permit search page to find these permits.
If your permit number looks like PLD2018-12345, it will be in our old system, Tidemark. Use the search form below. Enter your permit number and press the "Get Status" button to check permit status.
If you don't know your permit number, you can use Maps Online and these instructions to find it.
Check out the Tidemark to LMS Crosswalk to see how old permit types were integrated to new permit types.
Use our Tidemark to CC LMS Crosswalk to determine the corresponding permit types between the two systems.
Making a payment using your online CC LMS account is an easy way to pay for all your permits in one location.
Who can pay for permits?
Payment of fees can be made by the Applicant or the Authorized Agent as designated by the applicant. Use these instructions to designate an Authorized Agent.
Which status allows payment?
- Building and Fire fees:
- If paid by the Authorized Agent, the applicant must still submit permit
- Application Incomplete
- If paid by the Authorized Agent, applicant must still re-submit permit
- Ready to Issue
- Issued
- Land Use, Wetland Habitat, Engineering and Forestry:
- All statuses
What form of payment is accepted online?
Fees can be paid online via credit card or electronic check. Below are the non-refundable fees mandated by our online payment service provider.

How do I pay?
Paying for outstanding fees on your permit(s) can be accomplished from two different locations in CC LMS.
Option 1: Using the PAY menu
- Any permit with outstanding fees will be listed here
- You can select and pay for one or more permits at a time
Option 2: Using the DETAILS tab when viewing a specific permit
- Allows for payment of one permit at a time
NOTE: You must pay the full permit fee balance – we cannot accept partial payments of fees.
Option 1: Pay menu

- Select the ‘Pay’ menu item above. This window presents all permits that you have access to as the Applicant and/or the Authorized Agent. You cannot check or uncheck the Authorized Agent column – this is a read only field.
- Check the ‘Select’ box of the permit(s) you wish to pay for. You can select more than one permit. If you wish to see the individual fee items that make up the outstanding fees, select the ‘View Fees’ link below the Outstanding Balance column at the far right of each row.
- Once you have selected the permit(s), click on the ‘Pay Selected’ button at the bottom.
- You will be directed to Point and Pay for your credit card or e-check transaction.
Option 2: Details tab on the permit

- Select the ‘My Activities’ tab as shown above
- Locate the permit you want to pay for and click on the paper icon hot link
- From the Details tab above, view the outstanding fees
- Select the ‘Recalculate Fees’ button to update the page
- Select the ‘Pay Fees’ button as shown below
- You will be directed to Point and Pay for your credit card or e-check transaction