Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan revisions are underway for an anticipated approval and adoption in 2025. As part of the update, Clark County is streamlining information by incorporating the Clark County Contamination Reduction Outreach Plan and Moderate Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
Project overview
Clark County is coordinating a review of the county’s Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan as required by state law (70A.205 RCW). Plans can be modified in two ways – by revision or amendment. The plan, originally adopted in 1967, last received a full review and update in 2015. Recent reviews of the plans have identified that a full revision is now appropriate. Reasons for the full update include time elapsed since last plan adoption, changes to the solid waste regulations in the state, population growth projections, and updates to the contracts established for solid waste services in the region.
The planning process follows the Department of Ecology's Guidelines for Development of Local Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plans and Plan Revisions as well as incorporating input and review from the following groups:
- Clark County Solid Waste Advisory Commission (SWAC): A group mandated by the Department of Ecology that represents interests of businesses, public interest groups, and the community.
- Regional Solid Waste System Steering Committee (RSWSSC): A committee comprised of the public works directors or their designees from the cities and town within Clark County as well as the Clark County Public Health director.
- Clark County residents and community members: A public comment period allows residents and impacted community members to provide valuable insight on the ways the solid waste system impacts them. Comment periods for the preliminary draft are open for a minimum of 30 days each plan revision.
Public comments on the draft plan
Public comment period for the preliminary draft closed at 5 pm on August 30, 2024.
Public comments received are available for viewing on the project dashboard. These comments will be submitted to the Department of Ecology and reviewed by SWAC for consideration in developing the final plan.
SEPA public commenting
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review process helps agency decision-makers, applicants, and the public understand how the entire proposal will affect the environment. The Clark County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for Years 2025-2030 project has received a SEPA Determination of NONSIGNIFICANCE.
Public comments on this determination closed on June 12, 2024. The final document is included as Appendix B in the preliminary draft.
Contact information
Solid Waste Operations
Solid Waste Education & Outreach