For the purposes of our Department, Clean Water means stormwater (the water that is the result of rainfall or snow melt). The Clean Water Division provides management and coordination services related to all things stormwater, including drains in the roadways, stormwater facilities in neighborhoods, reducing pollution at businesses and educating the public about their watersheds and local streams. Drinking water is regulated by Clark County Public Health, and more information can be found on the department's webpage.
Visit the Clean Water Division webpage for Clean Water Fees to learn more about how the fees are calculated (inside and outside of the urban unincorporated area), due dates and contact information if you have more questions.
Neighborhood stormwater facilities may be private (responsibility of the homeowner's association) or public (maintained by the county or local jurisdiction). Call the number or submit an on-line form on our webpage to let us know the location of the facility. We can let you know who owns the facility. If it is privately maintained, we can assist the HOA with operation and maintenance standards for the specific type of facility. If it is publicly owned, we can work with the appropriate staff to discuss maintenance issues or concerns.
If you see someone dumping materials (other than clean stormwater) down a storm drain you can contact our specialist at the phone number on this webpage. You can also contact us if you see a spill or discharge (i.e. leaking dumpster or storage container) that is entering a storm drain. You may also use this on-line form. If the spill looks like it could pose a risk to human or environmental health, call 911 immediately.
Yes. The county has had various monitoring programs in the past 20 years. Our Stream Health and Monitoring webpage has more information about on long-term monitoring sites, specialized monitoring projects and general information (including our 2010 Stream Health report). In 2015 and 2016, our team of specialists are conducting in-depth monitoring at a number of sites throughout the Whipple Creek watershed in central and western parts of the County.
Thank you for your interest in protecting the water that enters our groundwater, creeks, streams, rivers and lakes. Everyone plays a role in protecting the water. We have specific suggestions about what you can do at your home, business or school to protect water. Learn more about simple steps you can take or volunteer projects at our webpage.
Great question! Clark County has ten major watersheds that eventually all drain to the mighty Columbia River. We all live in a watershed so find out which one you are in:
Visit the County's GIS mapping system MapsOnline.
1) On the Layers tab, turn on the Watershed layer.
2) On the Find Parcel tab, enter your address and click Find.
3) On the Layers tab, turn on the black "information icon" in front of the Watershed layer and then click on your parcel. The watershed name will appear in the upper left hand corner of the page.
We also have a watershed map on this webpage.
Clark County has some historical rainfall data prior to 2012, including precipitation gages throughout the county. Visit the monitoring web page for historic information. Several regional agencies can provide access to rainfall data, such as US Climate Data, by day, month or year. In short, Vancouver, WA averages about 41.67 inch a year.
Clark County updated the Clark County Stormwater Manual in 2021 and became effective in July 2021. The manual provides all of the technical details for you to plan, design, permit, build, maintain and operate stormwater features for your development project. Clark County's Water Quality is covered by County Code 13.26A including reduction of pollution in stormwater runoff. Clark County created a new Stormwater and Erosion Control code 40.386 in 2015 that outlines the regulations to protect stormwater during development projects (a .pdf file is available for review on the manual page). The Clark County Community Development staff can assist customers navigate the new regulations as it pertains to your specific project.