Park Projects and Funding


Clark County park projects are built in accordance with the county's Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan.

Recently developed parks in Clark County are part of the Greater Clark Parks District program, which voters in the unincorporated urban area outside the city of Vancouver approved in February 2005.

When creating the district, voters approved an ongoing property tax levy, primarily to maintain 35 new parks, along with additional sports fields and trails the county would build in the Greater Clark Parks District.

Since 2005, Clark County Public Works has completed 32 parks and 26 sports fields.
Greater Clark Parks District status map (PDF)


Draft 2025-2030 Parks Capital Plan

Works Parks and Lands is seeking public comment on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed six-year plan includes preventative maintenance projects, major maintenance projects and recreation enhancements at existing parks, and development of new parks. Projects in the plan address needs identified in the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, which was created with input from the community and adopted by the Clark County Council in April 2022. 

To submit a question or comment, please email us at Comments must be received by Aug. 6

Draft 2025-2030 Parks Capital Plan (PDF)

Generally speaking, Clark County has three types of parks:


Neighborhood parks provide access to basic recreation opportunities for nearby residents, enhance neighborhood identity and preserve neighborhood open space. These parks are designed primarily for non-organized recreation and often include play equipment, grass open play areas, pathways and trails, basketball courts, picnic tables, benches and assorted landscaping.

Neighborhood parks are generally three to five acres and meant to serve residents who live within a half-mile radius of the park. For this reason, neighborhood parks typically do not include parking or restrooms.

Greater Clark Parks District neighborhood parks remaining to be constructed: 

Community parks provide a focal point and gathering place for broad groups of users. They are usually 20 acres or larger and generally serve residents within a one to three mile radius. Community parks often include recreation facilities for organized activities, such as sports fields, skate parks and play courts. They also may incorporate passive recreation space.

Because of their larger size and service area, community parks require more support facilities, such as parking and restrooms.

Greater Clark Parks District community park development and renovation projects: 


Regional parks serve residents throughout Clark County and visitors to the area. Regional parks are usually larger than 50 acres and provide opportunities for diverse recreational activities, including sports fields, extensive trail systems and large picnic areas.

In addition, regional parks offer space for passive recreation and include significant natural areas or access to lakes and rivers. Because of their larger size and service area, regional parks require more support facilities, such as parking and restrooms.

Regional parks map (PDF)

Park impact fees

Clark County primarily relies on park impact fees to pay for land acquisition and park development. Park impact fees are collected when housing is built. The greater Vancouver area is divided into 10 park districts, and park impact fees must be spent within the district in which they are collected.

The county collects two park impact fees, one for land acquisition and one for park development. Prior to 2014, these fees were deposited into separate accounts for each district. Since then, park impact fees are deposited into combined accounts for each district. Money from these combined accounts can be spent on either land acquisition or park development.

A park is developed when the county owns the land, has sufficient funds to pay for construction and park maintenance.

Camp Bonneville

Public Works also oversees the Camp Bonneville cleanup. The county ultimately intends to use a portion of the former U.S. Army post as a regional park.

Additional plans

Heritage Farm Sustainability Plan

Parks and Lands planning staff is developing a sustainability plan to improve financial sustainability of the farm and increase opportunities for public access. Plan development will include participation of a steering committee to help guide the process, implement a public engagement plan, and evaluate economic analysis of alternative approaches. The final sustainability plan will be considered by council for approval.

Public Input


Thank you to everyone who joined us at our public meeting! The open house was held virtually on Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

To watch a recording of the virtual open house, click on the link below.

Public meeting PowerPoint presentation (PDF)

Neighbors and community members were invited to learn about the budget and plans for parks projects for the 2023 fiscal year (PDF). The projects being reviewed are part of the Capital Improvement Plan, which consists of plans for major maintenance projects, preventative maintenance and the creation of new facilities and amenities at county parks, including:

  • New playground surfaces at three to five parks
  • Development of Curtin Creek Community Park
  • Acquisition of additional park land and open space
  • ADA/accessibility improvements at various parks
  • Improve public access to Heritage Farm

Revisions to the 2024-2028 projected budget will also be reviewed at the meeting.

Draft CIP document (PDF)

Parks and Lands will seek approval from the Clark County Council to utilize available parks impact fee funds, real estate excise tax funds and general funds for projects in the capital improvement plan. Projects included in the plan address park system needs identified in the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, created with input from the community and adopted by council in April 2022.

To submit a question or comment, please email us at Comments must be received by Sept. 30

Capital Improvement Plan Presentation (PDF)