Breastfeeding helps both babies and mothers stay healthy. Public Health and the American Academy of Pediatrics encourage exclusively breastfeeding for all babies for their first six months and continue for at least a year or longer as mutually desired by mother and baby.
Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby that cannot be reproduced in formula. Breastfed babies are healthier and have fewer infections and illnesses. Remember—some breast milk is better than no breast milk! Breastfeeding also has economic advantages because it eliminates the need to purchase formula. Because breastfed babies and mothers tend to be healthier, then families, businesses and health insurers also save money.
Breastfeeding is best for so many reasons:
- Baby’s digestion
- Benefits to society and the environment
- Bonding with baby
- Cost savings
- Growth and development
- Mother’s health
- Protection from illness
- Reducing allergies and colds
- Reduces the risk of obesity
- Reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Local breastfeeding support
- Kaiser Permanente Mother Baby Program 360.571.3017
- LaLeche League 360.213.5109 or 360.887.6960
- Legacy Salmon Creek 360.487.4050
- PeaceHealth Lactation Help Line 360.514.4027
- Sea Mar Community Health
- WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselors 360.397.4370
- WIC program – 360.397.8459
Postpartum depression support
Baby Blue Connections
Warm line: Call or text 1.800.557.8375
Service available in English and Spanish
Weekly support groups (Portland and Vancouver)
Facebook page
Perinatal Support Washington
Warm Line: Call or text 1.888.404.7763 available 24/7
Services available in English and Spanish
Postpartum Support International
Warm line: Call or text 1.800.944.4773
Services available in English and Spanish
SW Washington Healthy Families
The Clark County Breastfeeding Coalition has changed their name to SW Washington Healthy Families and their website provides information about their annual conference, meetings, purpose and resources. They work collaboratively to promote breastfeeding practices throughout Clark County, including working mothers who desire continuing to provide their babies with breast milk.
Your right to breastfeed or chestfeed

Your employer should support your efforts to provide human milk to your baby. If you want to continue to give your baby the benefits of human milk after you return to work, it’s important to know your rights and to talk to your employer about a plan to express breast or chest milk during your workday. National and state legislation requires that employers provide breastfeeding employees with “reasonable break time” and a private, non-bathroom place to express human milk during the workday, up until the child’s first birthday. Washington state law has expanded these rights for two years after the child’s birth. These laws protect one’s rights to breastfeed in public places, including parks, buses, stores and government buildings.
Public Health can provide worksites with free technical assistance to create a breastfeeding-friendly environment. Learn more about workplace lactation support.
If an employer is not accommodating contact the state Attorney General’s office:
- Email
- Leave a message on the toll-free line at 833.660.4877
- Submit a complaint using the online form
Find more information at Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Accommodations
Related information
- Break Time for Nursing Mothers - US Dept. of Labor, Wage and Hour Division
- Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work - Office on Women’s Health
- Breastfeeding – Washington State Department of Health
- CDC's Work to Support Breastfeeding
- Guidelines for Healthcare Facility Management of Perinatal Care of Persons with COVID-19 or Suspected COVID-19
- WIC Going Back to Work - USDA
- Your Guide to Breastfeeding - Office on Women’s Health
Additional resources
- Benefits of Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics
- Bonding Benefits of Breastfeeding Extend Years Beyond Infancy, American Psychological Association
- Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk, American Academy of Pediatrics
- Study: Breastfeeding for at least 2 months decreases risk of SIDS, American Academy of Pediatrics
- SW Washington Healthy Families, Facebook
For more information, contact the Chronic Disease Prevention team.