Clark County Public Health
Center for Community Health
Street address:
1601 E Fourth Plain Blvd., Bldg 17
Vancouver, WA 98661
Maps and directions
Mailing address:
PO Box 9825
Vancouver, WA 98666-8825
Telephone: 564.397.8000
Media contact:
564.397.7307 or email
Public Health on social media
Report public health concern
- Restaurant and food-borne illness
- Septic system failures and surfacing sewage
- Food/waste/household garbage
- Junk/debris/unwanted or unused items
- Public pools, spas and recreational beaches
- Schools (indoor air quality, mold, etc.)
- Water wells
- Hazardous waste
Report notifiable condition
For reporting of notifiable conditions and other potential public health concerns by:
- Health care providers
- Health care facilities
- Clinical laboratories
- Veterinarians
fax 564.397.8080
Reporting notifiable conditions
Clark County Public Health Programs
All programs are available by phone, email or online.
Birth and Death certificates
Certificates for Washington State Only
564.397.8092 or email
Children and youth with special health care needs
Contract and procurement
Grants and Contracts Team, E-mail
564.397.8226 or 564.397.8126
Food safety
564.397.8428 or email
Garbage, recycling and hazardous waste
- Garbage collection and disposal options
- Green Business
- Green Neighbors
- Green Schools
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Leichner Landfill
- Master Composter Recycler program
- Recycling collection and disposal options
- Solid waste operations
HIV/AIDS and Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Reporting and information
fax 564.397.8080
Infectious disease
- Animal bites
- Bats
- Tuberculosis
- Reporting notifiable conditions
fax 564.397.8080
Mosquito control
Operations & service request line: 360.574.7906 or email
Pools and beaches
564.397.8428 or email
School environmental health
564.397.8428 or email