
Public Health News

Treatment targeting harmful algae at Vancouver Lake Regional Park is scheduled for Thursday, July 25, 2024.

AquaTechnex, a lake and aquatic plant management firm with expertise in managing harmful algal blooms, will apply an aquatic algaecide to the water at the Vancouver Lake swim beach. Boats will be used to apply the algaecide, which is designed to target and kill cells in harmful algae.

The application will begin at about 11 am Thursday and is expected to take about two hours, during which the swim beach will be closed to the public. Algae… Read More

Clark County Public Health has issued a warning advisory at Lacamas Lake due to elevated levels of cyanotoxins from harmful algae. 

Results from water samples taken from Lacamas Lake on Monday, July 1 revealed cyanotoxins above the threshold levels recommended by the Washington Department of Health. Warning signs are being placed at public access points at the lake. 

Cyanotoxins can be harmful to people, especially young children, and deadly for small pets that drink the water. While the warning advisory is in place, health… Read More

The Clark County Council is seeking applicants for four volunteer positions on the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. Applicants who are appointed by the council will serve three-year terms. 

Applications from Clark County residents are being accepted for the following positions:

  • Small cities and towns: Representative shall be a member of one of the city or town councils, or a resident who lives or works in those jurisdictions (cities other than Vancouver). May be recommended by the city or town councils. Term begins… Read More

A preliminary draft of Clark County’s updated Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan is now available for review and, beginning Aug. 1, community members will be able to submit comments on the draft plan.

The Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan outlines the framework for solid waste disposal, recycling, and educational outreach programs throughout the regional solid waste system. The plan examines the current system, as well as system projections, future needs and Clark County Solid Waste and Recycling programs’ goals for the next 20 years. Read More

Clark County residents can help prevent fires, injuries and pollution by properly disposing of fireworks after their Fourth of July celebrations. While fireworks sales begin this week, fireworks cannot legally be discharged in unincorporated Clark County until July 4.

Improper disposal of fireworks puts waste and recycling workers at increased risk of injury from fires in their trucks and at transfer stations. And fireworks debris, if not properly cleaned up, can be washed into storm drains that lead to streams, rivers and lakes. Fireworks contain heavy metals… Read More

The number of whooping cough cases in Clark County in 2024 is more than four times as high as the same time last year. Most of the 60 cases identified so far this year are among people who have never been vaccinated against whooping cough.

Whooping cough – or pertussis – is a serious respiratory illness that spreads easily from person to person when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. Whooping cough can be especially serious for babies younger than 1 year, who are at greatest risk for severe complications. About 1 in 3 babies younger than 1 year old who… Read More

Clark County Public Health lifted the swim beach warning at Battle Ground Lake today, June 6, after the latest water samples did not show elevated levels of bacterial contamination.

Public Health issued a warning advisory for the swim beach at Battle Ground Lake on May 30, after routine testing revealed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria. Warning signs were posted at the swim beach until a second round of samples could confirm improved water quality. Test results from water samples taken on Monday, June 3 came back today and showed improved water quality… Read More

Clark County Solid Waste is launching a monthlong “Secure your Load for Safer Roads” campaign in partnership with Washington State Department of Ecology. The campaign aims to help reduce the number of unsecured vehicle loads on roads in the county and decrease the presence of road litter which contributes to pollution of our waterways and habitat land. 

The campaign coincides with national Secure Your Load Day on June 6, which commemorates the lives taken and injuries caused due to unsecured loads. In Washington, over 300 crashes are attributed to unsecured… Read More

Clark County Green Neighbors invites community members to visit local gardens that exemplify the beauty of nature and sustainable gardening practices during this month’s Natural Garden Tour. 

The Natural Garden Tour is 10 am to 3 pm Sunday, June 23 and will occur rain or shine. The self-guided tour will feature nine gardens throughout Clark County, each demonstrating different natural gardening techniques. Attendees will have a unique opportunity to explore these gardens and learn about innovative and environmentally friendly gardening techniques in use.… Read More

Clark County Public Health has issued a swim beach warning at Battle Ground Lake after routine testing showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria, which can cause serious gastrointestinal illness when water is accidentally swallowed.

Test results for one of five water samples collected at Battle Ground Lake on Tuesday, May 28 showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria. The other samples had bacteria levels within acceptable water quality standards.

Warning signs are being posted at the lake. While the warning is in place, Public Health… Read More