Infectious Diseases

Preventing and controlling communicable diseases are core public health functions that protect our community and reduce the potential for illness and death among people of all ages. To do this, the Clark County Public Health Communicable Disease program works closely with our healthcare provider and community partners to:

  • Conduct surveillance for notifiable conditions
  • Investigate reported notifiable conditions.
  • Investigate communicable disease outbreaks and recommend control measures to mitigate further spread
  • Serve as a consultant and technical resource to our healthcare provider community
  • Build and manage partnerships with local and state authorities to effectively control the geographic spread of diseases

Disease Specific Information

Keep yourself healthy by learning about common communicable diseases, their symptoms and how to prevent them. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website for disease-specific information. 

Data and reports

For Clark County specific infectious disease data, visit our data and report page.

Infectious Disease Outreach

Is your team or organization looking for an Infectious Disease training or outreach event? Please complete this form and a member of our Infectious Disease team will reach out to set something up!

Report Notifiable Conditions


Long Term Care

Person getting help using a walker

Schools & Childcare

kids running towards camera down school hallway

Sexually Transmitted Infections

sti image

Animal bites and Rabies

Flying bat

Data and Reports

graphs and charts


Row of bottles for the covid-19 vaccine.

Infection Prevention


Provider Advisories

Medical staff consulting in a group