Community data

On this page you will find data on health outcomes and key factors that influence health in Clark County. Our data products may include data by race and ethnicity, or other identities such gender identity. However, we recognize that race, ethnicity, and gender are social constructs and are distinct from genetic ancestry or biology, and experiences of discrimination and systemic oppression are what drives unjust outcomes in health among minority groups. These data are intended to inform the community, including policy makers, community-based organizations, government agencies, and individuals about underlying conditions impacting our health. We hope this information will guide programs and policy to areas and populations of greatest need.

Clark County Health Status

NEW! Explore measures of health and well-being in Clark County by census tract, zip code, and place in the new Clark County Health Status StoryMap.

Clark County health status image

Climate and health

Check out the Climate and Health Explorer to learn more about areas in Clark County that may be most affected by the impacts of climate on health.

Maternal and child health

Birth outcomes data in Clark County

Raising Clark County issue briefs

Demographics StoryMap

Explore the Clark County Demographics StoryMap to find demographic information including maps, population by age, gender, race and ethnicity, language, and more.

Social determinants

Explore the Social Determinants of Health StoryMap to learn about education, financial security, housing and other social determinants that influence the health and well-being of our residents.

Drug overdose data

Explore the Clark County Overdose Dashboard to learn about drug overdose trends and disparities.

Naloxone saves lives

Interested in more information for harm reduction resources and handouts with information about various harmful drugs? Check out the Harm Reduction page.

Healthy Youth Survey

Explore the Healthy Youth Survey dashboard to learn about youth wellbeing including social and behavioral factors that impact adolescent health.

Clark County reports 

Communicable disease

2024 Clark County Health Snapshot

Understand Clark County’s current health, changes over time, and areas of strength or opportunity for health improvement in the 2024 County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Clark County Health Snapshot.

Use County Health Ranking’s snapshot to explore how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work and play. From health outcomes that illustrate how long and well people live to health factors representing those things we can improve to live longer and healthier lives, the snapshot includes over 70 measures to explore, including health outcomes like premature death and poor mental health, health behaviors such as exercise and smoking, measures of clinical care such as insured status, and physical environment measures such as air pollution.

  • Use County Health Rankings’ model of health to explore the measures that influence how long and how well we live.
  • Learn how to use the county health snapshot.
  • Watch a video tutorial for using the snapshot tool.
  • Review What Works for Health for evidence-informed strategies by topic area, decision maker and evidence rating.
CHR influence graphic

Public data resources

Our team provides technical assistance to community partners on data requests. If you are interested in a data consultation, please complete and submit our Health Assessment and Evaluation Support Request

For more information, contact the Health Assessment and Evaluation Team