Clark County Public Health's strategic plan is based on the premise that through partnerships we will influence the conditions that promote good health for everyone.
We collaborate with partners to protect and improve the health of and the environment for all people in Clark County. Together we:
- Prevent disease and injury
- Promote healthier choices
- Protect food, water, soil and air
- Prepare for and respond to emergencies
Active, resilient and healthy families and people of all ages, abilities and cultures living, learning, working and playing in thriving communities.
- Communication. We identify, analyze and distribute information essential to our policymakers, partners and the community.
- Prevention and promotion. We implement strategies that prevent disease and promote healthy living in healthy environments that lead to long term benefits for everyone.
- Collaboration. We engage in community partnerships that produce well-supported and cost-effective health outcomes by bringing people, resources and organizations together.
- Data-driven, evidence-based strategies. We support effective public health interventions that depend on the best available research and information.
- Social justice and diversity. We recognize that in a healthy community, everyone's health matters equally and that services and opportunities for health must be accessible, affordable and appropriate for all.
- Customer service and accountability. As vigilant stewards of the public's trust, we are responsive and accountable to the community's needs.
- Skilled, innovative, diverse workforce. We recognize that a well-trained, dedicated, creative and diverse workforce is the foundation of our ability to assess and address the health of our community.
- Sustainability. We recognize policy, systems and environmental interventions are essential in creating and sustaining improvements in community health and resilience.
- Protecting the natural environment. We recognize the natural environment is our life support system. Protecting the soil, water and air is critical to the health and resiliency of our community.