Quit smoking or vaping

Quit smoking image

If you have tried to quit smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco, you know how hard it can be. The following information and resources will help you achieve your goal. 

Benefits of quitting

  • Quit smoking wordcloud in shape of lightbulb shutterstock_295903010.jpg
    Your sense of taste and smell will return to normal
  • Your clothes, hair, body and home will smell better
  • You'll save hundreds of dollars
  • You'll be able to exercise with less shortness of breath
  • Your skin and teeth will begin to look better
  • Lowers risk for heart disease, cancer or other diseases

Tobacco-Free toolkit for behavioral health facilities

The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) produced a new toolkit for behavioral health agencies adopting a tobacco-free wellness policy for their facilities and campuses. It serves as a resource on tobacco use among the behavioral health population, as well as a step-by-step guide to becoming a tobacco-free facility and treating tobacco use in clients and staff. It also suggests ways of incorporating a larger program of wellness that not only supports smoking cessation, but improves overall the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of one’s life.

For more information, contact the Chronic Disease Prevention team.