Commercial garbage & recycling collection service

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Garbage collection services

Waste Connections of Washington has the exclusive authority to collect and haul garbage in Clark County, including garbage from commercial businesses and construction sites. The fees and services offered vary based on the location of the commercial business. 

For further information on rates and services for commercial customers, visit Waste Connections of Washington commercial webpages.

Recycling collection services

Commercial customers in Clark County benefit from an open market for recycling services. Businesses may contact the licensed hauler of their choice to pick up recyclable items. Curbside recycling services available to businesses vary based on business type and location. 

Commercial and industrial locations within the city limits of Vancouver must utilize a recycler with a current license with the City of Vancouver. For a list of licensed businesses, select the business tab on the City of Vancouver Garbage and Recycling webpage. 

Neighboring cities and towns may choose a vendor from the City of Vancouver list as well or may find additional options for certified haulers in the state of Washington. For additional options, Washington Utilities and Transport Commission manages a searchable database of providers certified to operate in Washington. 

Organics collection services

Food waste, or organics, collection service is available to businesses in Clark County through Waste Connections of Washington. Options include 64-gallon carts that are serviced up to five times per week based on need, and larger 15- or 20-yard containers serviced weekly. When initiating service, waste reduction specialists will help businesses set up an effective system. Email Waste Connections to begin.

Green Business Program

Green Business Logo

The Clark County Green Business program provides onsite assistance and resources to support recycling and environmental initiatives at businesses, including:

  • Free resources for workplace recycling and food scraps composting programs
  • Recommendations and training to help start or improve waste minimization and recycling projects
  • Green Business certification to recognize positive impacts of local businesses

For more information about increasing efficiencies and reducing waste, contact the Green Business program at 360.921.3051.

Commercial self-hauling

litter free logo

Businesses and contractors may self-haul garbage and recycling to one of the three local transfer stations. Keep in mind:

Contact information

Solid Waste Operations
Solid Waste Education & Outreach