“Yellow Envelope” author discusses “green” journey at Vintage Books, April 12

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Vancouver, Wash. – Have you ever wanted to sell it all and just travel the world?

That’s what author Kim Dinan and her husband did. Plagued by a persistent feeling that there is more to life than “stuff,” they decided to uproot their lives to pursue global travels. On the eve of their departure, close friends gave them an unexpected gift that helped shape their adventures: a yellow envelope containing a check and instructions to give the money away to those they encountered on their journey.

Dinan will discuss details of their experience at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, at Vintage Books, 6613 E. Mill Plain Blvd.

“Kim Dinan shares a great message about the value of stuff versus experiences,” said Sally Fisher, Green Neighbors program coordinator. “But you don’t need to get rid of all your worldly goods to lead a more sustainable lifestyle, which is the focus of the Green Neighbors program.”

Clark County’s Green Neighbors program encourages green living through recycling, environmental stewardship, natural gardening and other activities. The program sponsors various community events such as the Clean Cart Campaign, Wastebusters and Recycled Arts Festival.

“It’s exciting to see more people become engaged with the Green Neighbors program,” said Fisher. “Vintage Books has been an invaluable partner in bringing our messages to the community.”

For the latest green tips and events, sign up for the Green Neighbors newsletter at clarkgreenneighbors.org/newsletter-signup/modify.

Sally Fisher
Public Health
360.397.2121 ext. 4939