Clark County seeks volunteer residential park host for Lucia Falls Regional Park

Published Date

Clark County Public Works is seeking applicants for an open volunteer park host position at Lucia Falls Regional Park. Volunteer park hosts live at their assigned park and assist with creating a safe and welcoming environment for all visitors. Host duties include (but are not limited to): 

  • Clean park restrooms daily and as needed in response to messes
  • Open park gates by 7 a.m. and closing gates at dusk (one half-hour after sunset) daily 
  • Notify park users when the park is closing
  • Empty park garbage cans at least once daily, and as needed
  • Pick up litter daily
  • Notify staff of emergencies, urgent maintenance needs or impacts of severe weather 
  • Help to identify and respond to safety and security concerns in the park

The successful applicant for the position at Lucia Falls Regional Park must provide their own recreational vehicle to reside in at the park during their term as the park host. Clark County provides basic utilities for the host including electricity, water, sewer and garbage/recycling. 

Park host service terms are through Dec. 31. A host may be offered a term for the next calendar year, based on results of a performance evaluation performed in the fall. There is no maximum to the number of terms a host may serve. 

Applicants offered positions must submit to state and federal background checks and fingerprinting, provide a rental history and proof of renter’s insurance. Successful applicants will not be able to move into the park and begin service until all required documents have been submitted, they’ve been cleared through the background check and fingerprinting process, and their agreement has been signed by the county manager. Due to the variable amount of time required for these processes, successful applicants must be prepared to not be able to move into their assigned site for several weeks. 

More information about these positions, the volunteer park host program policies, requirements, minimum qualifications, duties, and more can be found at

Applicants are encouraged to apply online at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Paper applications, translated application materials and interpretation services available upon request to Cindy Gonzalez, volunteer program coordinator, at or 564.397.1679.

For information about road and park projects, closures, opportunities for community input, and more, residents can follow Public Works on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook and Instagram and view information on Nextdoor.