Northeast 152nd Avenue


(Northeast Padden Parkway - Northeast 99th Street)

The project will widen the road and include one travel lane in each direction, bike lanes, sidewalks, new curb and gutter, stormwater treatment, two flashing pedestrian crossing beacons, and a new traffic signal at Northeast 99th Street.

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About the project


Improvements to the Northeast 152nd Avenue corridor from Northeast Padden Parkway to Northeast 99th Street will include new subgrade, pavement and striping for the two travel lanes, new bike lanes, new sections of sidewalk to fill in the current gaps, two pedestrian crosswalks with push-button flashing beacons, and the installation of a stormwater infiltration system. Utility coordination to install a new sewer lines for the City of Vancouver will occur to accomplish the work while the roadway is under construction.

The intersection at Northeast 99th Street will be improved to include a new traffic signal and a left-turn lane at each of the four intersection legs. A left turn lane will also be added for the north end of York Elementary School to facilitate traffic flow. One flashing pedestrian beacon will be located at the elementary school, and the second one will be located at Northeast 85th Street. The second flashing beacon was added after receiving public input on the project and will improve safety for pedestrians accessing Tiger Tree Park from neighborhoods east of Northeast 152nd Avenue.


Click here to view the project location.

Project timeline

Design: winter 2022 – spring 2025
Construction: summer 2025 -  fall 2026


The construction budget identified for the project is $9,895,000, which is funded by federal, state, and local funds. Local funds include Traffic Impact Fees, Real Estate Excise Tax, and County Road Funds. This project is part of Clark County’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP).

Public Involvement 

Thank you for joining us on Nov. 19 for the Northeast 152nd Avenue open house.


Thank you to everyone who joined us at our open house! The open house was held virtually on Wednesday, June 29, 2022.

To watch a recording of the virtual open house, click on the link below.

Open House PowerPoint presentation (PDF)

Sara Hansen
Project Manager
Clark County Public Works

Troy Pierce
Project Manager
Clark County Public Works 