Northeast 10th Avenue Creek Crossing

NE 10th Ave (NE 149th St - NE 154th St)

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Northeast 10th Avenue is open to traffic. Some final work still needs to be completed, including planting the areas around the culvert and stormwater facility and establishing the plants. The planting is expected to occur between November 2022 and February 2023, with establishment work, including irrigation, occurring for two years after that. Until that work is done, there still could be occasional single-lane closures, but the roadway will remain open to traffic during any remaining construction. Read more here.


Public Works has completed the design on the upcoming Northeast 10th Avenue project, from Northeast 149th Street to Northeast 154th Street. The project will complete the gap between Northeast 149th Street and the new bridge that was constructed several years ago.

The roadway will be improved to include two travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks, as well as a signal at the Northeast 149th Street intersection. A new culvert will be installed at the creek crossing just north of Northeast 149th Street, and the roadway surface (grade) will be raised by as much as 15 feet; the intersection at Northeast 149th Street will be raised by approximately eight feet. Other improvements include the construction of retaining walls, sanitary sewer main, water main, and stormwater facilities.

The project is being advertised for construction bids, with bids to be opened in early November. However, construction on site will not begin in earnest until mid-spring 2021 and is expected to last 12-14 months. Work in the unnamed tributary will be confined to a period when construction will have the least effect on fish and other aquatic life. 

Construction will require closing the culvert crossing to all traffic, although local access will be maintained from the north for a small number of homes and other properties along this section. The intersection of Northeast 149th Street and will remain open for most of the project, except for a one-month period. Beginning April 25, 2022, the intersection of Northeast 149th Street and Northeast 10th Avenue will be closed to traffic. A detour will take motorists east/west on Northeast 146th Street and north/south on Northeast 4th Avenue. Every effort will be made to reduce the time needed for the closure and detour.

Through traffic will need to use alternate routes for the duration of the project. Traffic using the intersection of Northeast 149th Street will experience temporary construction delays during the project, except for the month when it is also closed. For both detours, temporary signs will guide drivers to alternate routes.

Construction costs are anticipated to be between $8 and 9 million, including a federal grant for approximately a third of the costs.

More information

Troy Pierce, project manager

Bart Arthur, construction engineer