Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue (Northeast 78th Street to Cougar Creek) Water Quality Retrofit

This project will retrofit eighteen catch basins and/or curb inlets, located along Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue from Northeast 78th Street to Cougar Creek, with media filter cartridges.

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About the project


Clark County recently completed a sub-basin level study of the Cougar Creek basin to assess water quality and flow control needs. During the study, the County evaluated water quality conditions along several high-traffic roadways within the basin. Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue is one of the locations identified with a high need for water quality treatment. Currently, highly polluted runoff captured by storm drain inlets gets directly discharged to the creek without any treatment. To improve water quality, cartridges that filter pollution from runoff will be added to eighteen catch basins/curb inlets along Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue between Northeast 78th Street and Cougar Creek.

This segment of Northeast Hazel Dell Avenue was selected over others mainly due to its urgency of water quality needs and its likelihood of not conflicting with any ongoing or near future road improvement projects


Click here to view the project location.

Project timeline

Design: winter 2023 - 2026
Construction: summer 2027

More information

Scott Fakler, project manager
Clark County Public Works 