Ricefield bulrush

Ricefield bulrush

Schoenoplectus mucronatus

Ricefield bulrush (PDF)

Why is ricefield bulrush a problem?

Ricefield bulrush is a problematic weed in 43 countries. It has documented resistance to herbicides, making it difficult to control.  

It reproduces through seed, rhizomes and stolons. This is an issue because it can reproduce using a variety of pathways. 

Recommendations for controlling ricefield bulrush

Chart for controlling ​ricefield bulrush

Recognizing ricefield bulrush 

Ricefield bulrush is a perennial wetland species. It has triangular stems that reach 2 to 3 feet tall. 

Clusters of flowers (spikelets) are in groups of four to 20 and are rust colored with a greenish center. The uppermost bract under the inflorescence is spreading to reflexed and 0.4 to 3.9 inches long. 

Stems are triangular in cross-section with one to two leaves per stem. Seeds develop summer through fall and are blackish brown when ripe.