St. Johns Road Pavement Improvement

This project will replace a portion of the existing concrete pavement to address surface cracking. The project will also improve the accessible ramps and update pedestrian push buttons, signs and road striping. This will provide a smoother driving surface and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians.

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About the project


The project is along St. Johns Road from Northeast 68th Street to Northeast 78th Street. 

Click here to view the project location. 


Currently, Northeast St. Johns Road is a four-lane road with bicycle lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Approximately 15,000 vehicles travel St. Johns Road daily, including approximately 118 daily trips by buses. The condition of the road surface has deteriorated, with cracking and other issues.

The majority of the project’s work includes replacing a portion of the existing concrete slabs on the road surface, improving accessible sidewalk ramps and upgrading accessible pedestrian push buttons at signalized crosswalks. The project also includes pavement restriping and upgrading signage. 

This project will replace the most damaged road surface slabs and will eliminate many of the defects identified in the inspection. This will prolong the life of the roadway by approximately 40 years.


Public Works incorporates resident input when feasible. County projects are designed by professional engineers. We balance community input with other considerations to create the best possible final design. Considerations include legal requirements, environmental impacts, budget, and safety. Input among residents, user groups and stakeholders often differ. While we do our best to incorporate resident input, we are not able incorporate all input or requests. Please contact the project manager (information at the bottom of the page) with questions or comments.

Project timeline

Design: fall 2022 – winter 2025
Construction: fall 2025


This project is anticipated to cost $3,474,009.  A federal grant from the National Highway System (NHS) Asset Management Program will pay for a portion of the project.  County funding will pay for the remaining portion.

More information 

Bridgett Adame, Project Manager
Clark County Public Works