Commercial garbage & recycling collection services

Construction and demolition debris

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Construction and demolition (C&D) debris includes a wide variety of waste types including bulky waste, deconstruction waste, demolition waste, hazardous waste, inert waste, and new construction materials. 

Collection services


The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) regulates the hauling of garbage in Washington state and issued Waste Connections the permit, known as a G-certificate, for garbage collection and hauling in Clark County. The G-certificate gives Waste Connections the exclusive authority to collect and haul garbage in Clark County, including garbage from C&D sites. 

Exceptions to using Waste Connections for garbage hauling in Clark County:

  • The City of Camas operates their own garbage hauling service within city limits.
  • Waste Control, Inc is the hauler for the City of Woodland and unincorporated Cowlitz County. Woodland addresses in unincorporated Clark County are serviced by Waste Connections.

Recyclable or reusable material may be collected on site by a recycling company that has a common carrier permit with the WUTC. The recyclable or reusable material must not be contaminated with any garbage. Businesses/contractors may contact the licensed hauler of their choice to pick up recyclable items. 

Within the City of Vancouver, any commercial generator may utilize a recycling collector who meets commercial recycling requirements outlined in VMC 5.62 and is posted on their Business Recyclers List.


Construction and demolition debris generated by residents and commercial contractors may be self-hauled to any of the transfer stations. 

If choosing to self-haul, keep in mind that to prevent litter and injury, the state of Washington and local ordinances require all loads being hauled to be secured and covered. Department of Ecology offers additional information, including tips to secure your load. 

Rules for businesses/contractors

Garbage produced by a contractor may only be handled and self-hauled to the disposal facility by the contractor or contractor’s personnel in a company owned and labeled vehicle. The waste must not be produced or handled by other subcontractors or clients to qualify for self-haul. The contractor cannot haul garbage produced by subcontractors or clients.

Subcontractors may only self-haul waste they produce and handle from their hired operations on the job site. The waste must be hauled to the disposal facility by the subcontractor or subcontractor’s staff, in a company owned and labeled vehicle. The waste must not be produced or handled by other contractors or clients to qualify for self-haul. A subcontractor cannot haul garbage produced by the contractor, other subcontractors, or clients.

Mixed garbage produced and handled by multiple contractors, subcontractors, or clients at the job site would not qualify for self-haul and would need to be collected by the G-Certified hauler (Waste Connections).

Contact information

Solid Waste Operations
Solid Waste Education & Outreach