
Public Health News

Clark County Public Health’s Vital Records and Environmental Public Health offices will be closed to in-person services on Friday, Feb. 24 due to inclement weather. Online services will continue to be available.

Public Health’s online permitting portal enables people to submit new permit applications and renewals, upload required documents, review account activity, and make payments. Food worker testing continues to be available online. And people can place orders for birth and… Read More

NOTE: This news release was updated to reflect changes to the WasteBusters Challenge kickoff event. The event will now be held virtually.

Join Clark County Green Neighbors in pledging to reduce waste in the annual WasteBusters Challenge. The free 21-day challenge begins Wednesday, March 1.  

Challenge participants commit to a pledge, complete waste reduction tasks to earn points and qualify for prizes, and improve the culture around conscious consumption. Participants will choose from one of three pledges focusing on food waste, household hazardous… Read More

Clark County Public Health is teaming up with Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries for a free educational series highlighting environmentally friendly lifestyles.

Public Health’s Green Neighbors, Green Schools and Composter Recycler programs, along with several other community organizations, are partnering with Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries and Cascade Park Community Library to offer the Conscious Consumption series. The series features workshops and events for residents of all ages to learn about sustainability topics, including food waste reduction, worm bin composting,… Read More

The Clark County Board of Health is seeking applicants for a volunteer position on the Public Health Advisory Council.

The open position is for a representative from the Clark County Youth Commission or Clark County Youth House, or a representative of local area high schools or colleges. The three-year term begins as soon as the position is filled.

The advisory council meets 5:30-7:30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of every even month via Zoom. When in-person meetings resume, they will be 6-8 pm in the main conference room on the second floor of the Center for Community Health,… Read More

Clark County’s Composter Recycler program is offering a free, seven-week series to train a new cohort of volunteers. The training will prepare volunteers to be sustainability ambassadors in the community and experts in composting techniques, recycling, food-waste reduction, green cleaning and other sustainable living habits.

Composter Recycler volunteers share information with the community about composting, diverting food waste from the landfill, recycling materials correctly, and creating healthier homes by reducing household hazardous waste at outreach events throughout the year… Read More

When it’s time to undeck the halls, Clark County Public Health urges residents to recycle their Christmas trees, rather than sending them to the landfill.

“Recycled Christmas trees are chipped into mulch, giving trees a second life in gardens and returning nutrients back to the soil,” said Tina Kendall, senior environmental outreach specialist.

Before trees are recycled, all lights, tinsel, wire, ornaments and stands must be removed. Flocked and artificial trees cannot be recycled and should be placed in the garbage. Artificial trees in good condition may be donated to… Read More

Clark County Solid Waste and Environmental Outreach encourages the community to celebrate the holidays by taking thoughtful steps to reduce waste, reuse and recycle.

Households in Clark County toss out up to 25% more waste between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. What’s an extra trash bag filled with holiday food waste, gift wrap and packaging? Each week up to 250 shipping containers full of garbage are barged up the Columbia River to the landfill. The additional holiday waste means even more trash-filled shipping containers are sent to the landfill. But by taking a few simple… Read More

Respiratory viruses continue to spread at high levels in Clark County. About 38% of influenza tests administered in Clark County were positive for the second week in a row, and the county’s 7-day COVID-19 case rate climbed to 87.5 cases per 100,000 people – the highest case rate since August.

Dr. Alan Melnick, Public Health director and Clark County health officer, and Dr. Steven Krager, Clark County deputy health officer, joined other health leaders across the state today to issue the following statement:

Communities across our state and around the U.S. are experiencing an… Read More

The Clark County Council is seeking applicants for a volunteer position on the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. The position represents public interest groups within Clark County and will advocate for the best interest of the public, regarding solid waste.

The three-year term begins once an applicant is appointed by the council. Regular meetings are held quarterly at 6 pm on the first Thursday of February, May, August, and November. 

The commission is currently meeting monthly to facilitate an update to the Solid Waste Management Plan. Monthly meetings are at 6 pm… Read More

The Clark County Council is seeking applicants for a volunteer position on the Solid Waste Advisory Commission. The position represents the agricultural community within Clark County. The applicant must own or be employed by an agricultural entity located in Clark County.

The three-year term begins once an applicant is appointed by the council. Regular meetings are held quarterly at 6 pm on the first Thursday of February, May, August, and November.

The commission is currently meeting monthly to facilitate an update to the Solid Waste Management Plan. Monthly meetings are at… Read More