Himilayan - Rubus discolor
Evergreen - Rubus laciniatus
Why is blackberry a problem?
Non-native blackberry out-competes native vegetation and prevents the establishment of native plants and trees that require sun for healthy growth.
Blackberry forms impenetrable thickets that block access to waterways. The plant lacks the deep bank-stabilizing roots of native wetland shrubs and trees.
Blackberry grows in a wide range of conditions, including disturbed areas, pastures, forests, roadsides, riparian areas, riverbanks and wetland edges.
Flowers can be self-pollinated. The plant reproduces both by seed and vegetatively by sprouting root buds and root development on canes.
Recommendations for controlling blackberry
Recognizing non-native blackberry
Non-native blackberry is an upright or creeping perennial shrub with sharp stiff thorns on woody stems. Plants grow up to 13 feet in height with flowers in clusters of five to 20. Each flower, which range from white to pink in color, has five petals.