Facility Details (FA0006003)
Business Name: Vancouver Taqueria Inc
Description: Food Permit Level 3 High
Address: 2902 NE Burton RD
Frequency of inspections vary depending on complexity of the food establishment. Level-3 food establishments are inspected three times a year. Level-2 food establishments are inspected twice a year. Level-1 food establishments are inspected once a year.
Inspection / Site Visit on 2/5/2025
| 25 |
| 25 |
| 10 |
| 5 |
Total points: | 65 |
A Follow-up inspection will likely occur within 30 days. |
Inspection / Site Visit on 5/22/2024
| 10 |
| 5 |
| 5 |
| 5 |
| 5 |
Total points: | 30 |
Inspection / Site Visit on 11/16/2023
| 10 |
| 5 |
Total points: | 15 |
Food Inspection Follow-up on 7/28/2023
Follow-up inspection passed - will return to routine inspection schedule. | |
Inspection / Site Visit on 6/26/2023
| 25 |
| 10 |
| 5 |
Total points: | 40 |
A Follow-up inspection will likely occur within 30 days. |
Inspection / Site Visit on 1/27/2023
| 10 |
Total points: | 10 |
Inspection / Site Visit on 8/23/2022
| 25 |
| 10 |
Total points: | 35 |
A Follow-up inspection will likely occur within 30 days. |